Diamond grading is a detailed evaluation of a gem by a qualified professional using the Gemological Institute of America’s 4 Cs system or the American Gem Society’s AGS 0–10 grading scale. You must take a course from a recognised authority in the industry, such as the Gemological Institute of America, to understand how to grade […]

D (colourless) is the highest and best grade on the letter-grade diamond colour scale, while Z is the lowest. The D colour grade is the highest quality colour grade a diamond can achieve, and it is sometimes referred to as a diamond’s “best colour.”

FL, or flawless, is the highest clarity rating for a diamond. Even when examined at 10x magnification, the GIA only grades a diamond as perfect if it has no flaws or blemishes visible to a skilled grader. Things get a little more challenging and subjective when it comes to determining the appropriate clarity grade for […]

A VS1 diamond has no eye visible inclusions and the inclusions are difficult to detect under 10x magnification. These diamonds account for less than 5% of all gem-quality stones. More readily detectable inclusions are only seen in VS2 diamonds around 5% of the time, and they are more common in stones exceeding 1 carat. VS2 […]

Colour Diamonds come in a variety of hues. Diamonds in the usual colour range range from colourless to light yellow to brown. Colourless diamonds are the most valuable within that spectrum since they are the rarest. They established the benchmark for grading and pricing normal colour diamonds. Clarity Internal features called inclusions and surface abnormalities […]

There were a multitude of methods used to quantify and classify diamonds before the current diamond grading system was implemented. Diamonds were once graded using the letters A, B, and C to indicate their quality in the 1800s. By the late 1800s, diamond quality was denoted by numerals like as I, II, III, and IV, […]