Diamonds come in a variety of hues. Diamonds in the usual colour range range from colourless to light yellow to brown. Colourless diamonds are the most valuable within that spectrum since they are the rarest. They established the benchmark for grading and pricing normal colour diamonds.

Internal features called inclusions and surface abnormalities called blemishes exist in diamonds. They’re collectively known as clarity attributes. The lack of inclusions and imperfections is referred to as clarity.

Natural features such as scratches and nicks on a diamond’s surface are examples of imperfections. Inclusions are usually found on the inner of the stone, and some may break the surface. When a diamond is formed, small diamond or other mineral crystals can become stuck inside. They may persist after the stone has been cut and polished, depending on where they are positioned, and they can impact the appearance of a diamond.

Every feature of a nicely crafted diamond demonstrates the craftsman’s expertise and care. Every angle and facet of a diamond changes the quantity of light returned to the eye as it interacts with light. It has a face-up aspect because of this.

The dimensions of a diamond impact how light behaves as it enters the diamond. The diamond will appear dark and less aesthetic if light enters through the crown and exits through the pavilion. Diamonds with symmetrical proportions and a high quality of polish finish make greater use of light and are therefore brighter, more colourful, and more dazzling.

Carat Weight
The first factor is the accuracy with which diamonds are weighed. The carat weight of a diamond is measured in metric carats, abbreviated “ct.” A carat is equal to two tenths of a gram (0.2 g) and is a little over seven thousandths of an ounce (0.007). There are almost 142 carats to one ounce. A carat is the weight of a little paper clip.

There are 100 points in a metric carat. One tenth of a carat is a point.

Diamonds are weighed down to the thousandth of a carat (0.001) and then rounded up to the next hundredth, or point. Depending on diamond quality, fractions of a carat might entail price variances of hundreds—even thousands—of dollars.